10 Tips For Keeping Your Vehicle Secure

Car owners invest a lot of money to acquire and maintain their rides. The more expensive and flashy your vehicle, the higher the chance that thieves will want to take it away from you. Implementing …


Car owners invest a lot of money to acquire and maintain their rides. The more expensive and flashy your vehicle, the higher the chance that thieves will want to take it away from you. Implementing security measures is important to protect your valuable car from criminals and damage. Making a few security upgrades can cut your insurance premium and reduce your risk of losing your no-claim bonus. Therefore, consider adopting the following proven tips to help protect your vehicle.

1. Install an immobiliser and car alarm

Does your car lack an immobiliser? If yes, now may be the best time to invest in one. Installing this tool is a proven way to safeguard your vehicle against theft. An immobiliser works by deactivating the ignition system, starter jump, and fuel pump if an unauthorised person tries to operate the car with a wrong key. Fitting an immobiliser can reduce your insurance cost by preventing theft.  Adding a car alarm is another critical security tool for your vehicle. DIY-fitted proximity alarms are good at deterring intruders, but insurers are more likely to offer great discounts for factory-built or professionally installed alarms.

2. Use wheel clamps

Wheel clamps secure your car with robust locks to guarantee your peace of mind. Like other physical security systems, they offer a great line of defense, making it virtually impossible for the bad guys to move your vehicle even if they access your key fob. When attached to your wheels, clamps fully disable the car from motion. The good news is that installing these car safety essentials only takes a few minutes. Thieves can hardly remove wheel clamps without the appropriate tools. Moreover, they can’t tamper with these systems without making extreme noises. Bright-coloured wheel clamps are highly visible; you may use these to send a clear message that your car is secure.

3. Be careful with how and where you park your car

You must be careful with how and where you park your car to reduce the risks of damage and theft. The first layer of defence against vehicle theft is a secure parking spot. Try to park in well-lit areas whenever possible. If you can access a private driveway, use it smartly and desist from leaving your car in remote, dark, and poorly supervised locations, as thieves often exploit these vulnerable areas. Installing a CCTV camera or security lighting in your driveway will scare away potential criminals. Your car is also secure against thieves when locked in your garage safely. However, if you don’t learn how to park gently, you may damage the vehicle by bumping or scraping it, which can slightly raise your premium.

One frequently overlooked issue that can impact your car’s safety in the garage is the flooring. Investing in garage flooring options that guarantee security, durability, and attractiveness is important. Although commercial garage flooring solutions styles should provide a degree of slip resistance, the wrong tiles or epoxy coating without anti-slip can be incredibly dangerous. An easy-to-clean and virtually indestructible garage flooring will simplify maintenance while keeping your car tires safe.

4. Invest in a steering wheel lock

Steering wheel locks may be less popular these days, but they are still effective systems for deterring thieves. A steering wheel lock can add an extra security layer similar to how hand brakes and gear stick locks function. It can stop skilled thieves in their tracks by targeting the car’s electronics. High-tech thieves rarely carry heavy-duty equipment for breaking these locks.

5. Secure your keys

Don’t forget to keep your car keys, including the spare ones, out of sight. This idea may sound obvious, but many vehicle owners ignore it when stopping in front of a gas station or grocery shop. Keeping your keys in visible locations will enable thieves to steal them easily. Avoid leaving them close to the front door when at home. Experienced criminals may find a way to steal them without your notice. Apart from the above measures, it would be best if you also considered reprogramming spare keys inherited from previous car owners.

Those buying used cars will want to ensure maximum security to avoid possible break-ins by people eyeing their rides. If your car uses a keyless key fob, make sure you purchase the pouch. Similar to a metal key cabinet, the pouch works like a Faraday cage, preventing the outside transmission of key fob signals and keeping unauthorised users at bay.

6. Lock your car doors

Locking your car doors is a no-brainer since several vehicle theft cases are caused by a lack of caution in this area. Whether making a short stop at the grocery store or taking a long break at the rest stop, locking your doors is crucial. One worrying fact about car security is that many drivers leave their keys in the ignition after parking, a bad habit that makes stealing a vehicle super simple. The doors should remain locked even if you park the car in a somewhat friendly or low-crime neighbourhood. Thieves may take advantage of trust and negligence to pounce on your ride and steal it.

Also, it helps to manually inspect the doors every time you lock them; consider doing this even if you detect the lock sound. This extra step will help eliminate the risks of potential jamming attacks, as nefarious actors may target cars with wireless key fobs. They can perform this hack by disrupting communication between the key fob and its receiver in the car. Added to that, locking the doors is as vital as fully closing the windows and the sunroof.  Allowing the windows to remain slightly open may improve ventilation when parked. However, this risk can expose your vehicle to theft.

7. VIN etching is equally beneficial

VIN etching is the act of engraving your car’s unique vehicle identification number (VIN) on several areas of the automobile, including the windows, mirrors, and frame. The idea of VIN etching is to make your car more recognizable and difficult to sell. Thieves are likely to target a different car if they realize your car is etched. Additionally, VIN etching makes it harder for thieves to alter your car’s ID. Although there is no guarantee that this security measure will stop all thieves from stealing your car, the trick can improve vehicle recovery chances in the event of theft. As soon as a VIN-etched car goes missing, the owner must contact the police swiftly and provide ID and other vital information to help with recovery. Car dealers may include window etching as extra offers. Drivers can also shop for etching equipment online to revamp their security with ease. Beyond etching, other companies offer non-removable stickers that you can place on various parts of your car.

8. Use a GPS car tracker

Another reliable way to secure your car is to use a GPS tracker.  This upgrade is especially important for car owners living in sketchy neighborhoods with high crime rates.  A GPS tracker combines a tracking system and an alarm to make some noise if someone tries to break into the car or tow it away. The latest vehicle GPS trackers come with advanced mobile alert systems to provide real-time notifications in the event of suspected break-ins. Car tracking tools like these usually have two primary components: an OBD unit that you can plug into its port and a smartphone app that provides updates in real-time. Many GPS trackers operate via mobile networks using their own GPS and GSM antenna to ensure optimal vehicle security.

An easy-to-manage system like this can protect your automobile 24/7 from any location. You can order an effective GPS tracker from Amazon to provide additional security to your car.  Businesses that manage a fleet of vehicles may also use GPS trackers for safety. In addition to creating awareness with security alerts when the car is in park mode, these devices can give you further insight into how drivers use your vehicles.

9. Don’t leave valuables in sight

Precious belongings like wallets, electronics, and bags in plain sight can draw thieves’ attention. Therefore, hiding your belongings in your car trunk makes sense. Other important things worth protecting are vehicle documents like registration and insurance papers. If thieves break in and make away with these sensitive materials, they can commit other crimes with your identity. One strategy to protect valuables in your car is to use visible alarms and wheel clamps. These security devices indicate to potential criminals that your car is protected. Additionally, displaying a security sticker from a renowned company can warn potential criminals against targeting your car.

10. Watch out for test drive thieves

If you are selling your vehicle, and an interested buyer wants to test drive, opt to go with them. Fraudulent people may pose as potential buyers only to vanish into thin air with your ride. Always insist on verifying your driver’s license and insurance documents before allowing strangers to test drive your car. As a tip, try to bring a few friends along to improve security. Join a vehicle watch scheme if there is one in your community. They may provide you with high-visibility stickers, which could prompt the police to stop your car if they spot it in action at the wrong hour. Local crime prevention officers can also give you more information on how to protect your car.

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