4 Tips for the Health-Conscious Traveler

Staying healthy while traveling is top of mind these days. On account of the pandemic, individuals are more aware of keeping their immune systems strong during their time away from home. The moment you leave …

woman smiling near tree outdoor during daytime

Staying healthy while traveling is top of mind these days. On account of the pandemic, individuals are more aware of keeping their immune systems strong during their time away from home. The moment you leave your house, you’re exposing yourself to more and more germs. This isn’t to scare you in any way but rather to reinforce how your healthful habits are even more important during travel.

Just because you’re going on vacation doesn’t mean your healthy routines should take a break, too. Forgoing your morning walks, typical hydration, and mindful eating habits won’t leave you feeling your best. In fact, you may feel sluggish and disinclined to participate in all of the activities your vacay has to offer.

The same principle applies if you’re traveling for work. You’ll need to be at your absolute prime to present to a client and/or collaborate with co-workers. Rather than skipping out on healthy habits, think of how you can best adjust your typical practices for your new environment. Below are four tips for the health-conscious traveler that will keep your body in tip-top shape, allowing you to have the most enjoyable journey.

1. Nourish Your Body

When you’re traveling, it’s harder to be conscious about all of your daily food choices. If you don’t plan ahead, you may land after a long flight starving and subsequently eat everything in sight. To avoid this, be sure to pack plenty of nutrient-rich snacks in your carry-on bag. Unsalted nuts, protein bars, nut butter packets, jerky sticks, and dried fruit are all great options.

Once you’ve arrived at your destination, think about how you’re going to nourish yourself that day. To start off on the right foot, drink a large glass of water upon waking up to rehydrate your body. While you’re at it, add a super greens powder to your water. These powders are chock full of nutrients, boasting numerous essential vitamins and minerals. They can boost your immune system, helping you ward off any unwanted illnesses.

2. Prioritize Walking

One of the best ways to see a new city is by walking. You’ll feel more like a local and be able to take in the full experience at sidewalk level. Also, walking is the cheapest mode of transportation, so your wallet will also be happy with this decision. Of course, keep safety in mind and ask the hotel concierge for the best route to get somewhere on foot.

When mapping out your activities for the day, select what you’ll do according to location. Explore one neighborhood to the fullest before getting into an Uber or taking the subway to another part of town. Also, make sure you pack comfortable walking shoes. There are plenty of stylish, supportive options available that you can easily wear while sightseeing and out on the town.

3. Research Restaurant Options

“Where do you want to eat?” When you’re hangry and jetlagged, this may be the last question you want to hear. Finding a great restaurant in a new town isn’t always the easiest task. You may come across plenty of places that are either booked for the night or too touristy for your tastes. Depending on your destination, you may also face a language barrier, which can make understanding menus more challenging.

Researching your restaurant options ahead of time will give you some peace of mind, particularly if you’re trying to eat healthfully. When looking at menus, think about how you can build your meal with nutrition in view. This typically entails a good source of protein, vegetables, and a healthy carb. Knowing where you’re going to eat will allow you to think proactively about getting all your nutrient needs in throughout the day. If you know that you’ll want to order the homemade pasta for dinner, then maybe you’ll select a low-carb lunch option.

4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Traveling can wreck your sleep habits. If you’re headed to another time zone, you may be exhausted when you land but wide awake at 2 a.m. And sleeping in new surroundings can take some time to get used to. You may also be so wound up and excited about being on vacation that you can’t quiet your mind before bedtime. Without quality shut-eye, though, you’re putting yourself at risk for getting sick and feeling more irritable.

If sleep is a struggle when you’re traveling, consider these points. First, avoid scrolling through social media and staying up past your typical bedtime. Second, unwind by reading in bed before turning off the light, or listen to a soothing meditation. Do some light stretching and deep breathing if you feel jittery or anxious. Lastly, be sure the room is cool and as dark as possible to promote sound slumber.


Before you jet to your next destination, think about how you can stay on top of your health. If you’re traveling solo, reserve a workout class that you’re excited about or stroll around the local farmers market. If you’re going with a group, suggest activities that will leave everyone feeling great, such as a morning walk on the beach. No matter your travel plans or final destination, keeping up with your health will allow you to have the most pleasurable trip possible.

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