5 Actionable Tips for Building a Great Ecommerce Store

Ecommerce has developed a lot over the years. Consumer shopping habits have shifted from in-store to online purchases, and ecommerce technology has made it easier for store owners to start selling online. If you’re thinking …


Ecommerce has developed a lot over the years. Consumer shopping habits have shifted from in-store to online purchases, and ecommerce technology has made it easier for store owners to start selling online. If you’re thinking about creating your own ecommerce business, keep reading this article for seven great tips for building an ecommerce store that will help you generate profits in no time.

1. Choose a proper hosting plan

A website host allows you to create and store a website, making it accessible to users on the web. Make sure to choose a website host that helps keep your website fast and secure. For example, if you have a WordPress website, consider choosing a managed wordpress hosting solution that makes it easier to maintain your website. A quality website host will provide the support you need to help grow your business.

2. Structure your website

Structuring your website is an important thing you have to keep in mind while setting up your ecommerce store. Site structure ensures that different products on your website are easily accessible, both by users and search engines. Make sure to think about your navigation, subfolders, and URL structures. If your ecommerce store features a large product inventory, consider creating collection pages to house related products. Utilize filtering options to help users find the products they’re looking for, especially if they’re searching by price, most reviewed, or featured products.

3. Utilize SEO best practices

SEO stands for search engine optimization. While many ecommerce sites may rely on paid channels to help generate revenue, organic search is a great way to boost traffic to your site without having to pay extra for ad spend.

SEO is constantly evolving and can be difficult to implement if you’re new to this acquisition strategy. Consider hiring an SEO professional to help optimize your website, otherwise do your research on what goes into making an effective organic search strategy.

4. Consider duplicate content issues

On that note of optimizing your website for search engines, a common issue that’s prevalent with ecommerce stores is the issue of duplicate content which can result in content cannibalization.

This phenomenon explains why some pages of an ecommerce store might fail to rank higher on SERPs. A simple solution to this problem is using Canonical Tags. The canonical tag helps indicate the master version of a page, which can help clear up any potential issues with duplicate content.

5. Focus on mobile users

When designing your website, make sure to prioritize the mobile user experience. Many users do their shopping online, so it’s important to make sure that the experience they get when they’re visiting your website is a seamless one. Some elements to consider include mobile site speed, page design, pop-ups, and more.

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