5 Fun Ways to Cheer Up a Friend Who’s Blue

Everyone faces moments when they’re not quite their cheery selves. Life’s stresses—be it from work, family, or school responsibilities—can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed and down. During these times, the support of friends becomes invaluable. …

three men in jacket laughing at each other

Everyone faces moments when they’re not quite their cheery selves. Life’s stresses—be it from work, family, or school responsibilities—can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed and down. During these times, the support of friends becomes invaluable. It’s these relationships that offer a comforting presence and a reminder that we’re not alone in our struggles. If you’ve noticed a friend looking particularly blue, you’re in a great position to offer a lift. Here are five fun and thoughtful ways to brighten their day and show them just how much they mean to you.

1. Go on a Mini Adventure

Sometimes, a change of scenery is all it takes to lift someone’s spirits. Going on a little adventure, like a short day trip or a local outing, can provide a refreshing break from the routine and offer a chance to create new, positive memories. Consider visiting a new park, going to a local museum, or checking out a regional event that piques your interest. Whether it’s a pickle festival, children’s literature museum, or UFO park, the excitement of discovering something new together can provide a welcome distraction.

The act of organizing a fun outing, whether it’s a picnic or a visit to a unique local spot, can also have a significant impact on your friend’s mood. The anticipation of a fun day ahead, coupled with the joy of shared experiences, helps reinforce the bond between you and creates lasting, happy memories. By engaging in something enjoyable and novel, you remind them of the simple pleasures that can brighten their day.

2. Give Them Something Special

Everyone has a different love language, and gift giving can be a powerful one. Sometimes giving your friend something small shows them you were thinking of them during a time you were apart. It also offers a tangible reminder that they’re cared about. When your friend is really feeling low, try to put together a thoughtful get well gift (or order one online).

Sometimes it’s easier to trust the professionals, but you can still customize your choices by curating a care package tailored to your friend’s preferences. Include items that can lift their spirits, such as their favorite snacks, a comforting blanket, a good book, or a playlist of uplifting music. You could also add a handwritten note or a card with a heartfelt message. This personalized touch can make the gift feel extra special and provide comfort during a tough time.

3. Try Out a New Hobby Together

Trying out a new hobby together can be a delightful way to lift your friend’s spirits while fostering a stronger bond between you. Introducing them to a new activity, whether it’s a creative craft like painting or scrapbooking, or a fun DIY project, can be a refreshing distraction from their worries. Engaging in these activities provides a hands-on way to redirect their focus and offers a chance to enjoy quality time together. The shared experience of exploring a new hobby can be both therapeutic and entertaining!

Another enjoyable option is to cook or bake together, either in person or virtually. Sharing a new recipe and working on it as a team can be fun and rewarding. Whether you’re whipping up a delicious meatloaf or experimenting with a new cheesecake recipe, the process of creating something together offers a sense of accomplishment, which can be especially important if your friend has been feeling overwhelmed. This collaborative experience should also distract them from any stress. When you’re done, you’ll also be able to (hopefully) enjoy a yummy treat together.

4. Plan a “Wacky Outfit” Day

Sometimes life just gets too serious, and a little bit of fun is exactly what’s needed to lift the mood. Planning a “Wacky Outfit” Day can be a fantastic way to inject some lightheartedness into your friend’s routine. Encourage your friend to dress in their most outrageous outfit and join in by donning something equally zany. Maybe pull that boa from last Halloween out and pair it with your leopard print leggings and a fun hat. Spend the day together taking silly photos, visiting local spots, or even just hanging out and laughing at each other’s creative choices. The sheer fun of seeing each other in goofy attire can help their stress and worries melt away.

To make the experience even more memorable, consider going thrifting together before the event to pick out outfits for each other. You can set some playful ground rules, such as no vetoing choices and fully committing to wearing whatever you find. This element of surprise and the chance to embrace the ridiculous can turn an ordinary day into a fun-filled adventure. The laughter and shared moments will cheer up your friend and remind both of you of the joy that can be found in embracing the silly side of life.

6. Spread Random Acts of Kindness

Spending a day performing random acts of kindness can be a powerful way to uplift both your friend’s mood and those around you. Plan a day where you and your friend focus on small, meaningful gestures that brighten others’ days. Simple acts such as paying for someone’s coffee, leaving uplifting notes on parked cars, or delivering homemade treats to neighbors can create a ripple effect of positivity. Not only does this offer a distraction from your friend’s worries, but it also fosters a sense of accomplishment and connection with the community.

Engaging in these acts of kindness together allows you to bond over shared, uplifting experiences. The joy of making someone’s day a little brighter can be incredibly rewarding and can help shift your friend’s perspective from their own challenges to the happiness of others.

Being There Through the Ups and Downs

Life is a roller coaster ride, filled with ups and downs, but thankfully, it’s more fun with friends. While it can be hard seeing your friends upset, be there for them. While these fun ways to cheer them up are a good place to start, make sure you also encourage them to talk about their feelings and process them. You don’t only want to offer distractions. Encourage them to feel their feelings and then have a little fun.

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