Differentiating Subcutaneous Fat from Visceral Fat

It’s common to disparage the fat in our bodies. When it comes to fat, people tend to believe that less is better. There has always been an association with fat being unhealthy and bad to …


It’s common to disparage the fat in our bodies. When it comes to fat, people tend to believe that less is better. There has always been an association with fat being unhealthy and bad to have in excess. In spite of the latter being close to the truth, what do we know about fat?

Why do we have fat?

In addition to its many functions, fat surrounds and cushions vital organs. Body fat, scientifically termed ‘adipose tissue’, also insulates us from the cold. As a calorie reserve, fat acts as a body’s fuel tank to prevent starvation.

In terms of the amount and distribution of adipose tissue throughout the body, it is entirely determined by physiological, psychosocial, and genetic factors.

How to measure body fat

Taking a body fat measurement is helpful because it can serve as a starting point for a fat loss program.

If you can’t fit into your jeans anymore, it could be an indication that you have gained more weight. However, can you tell if it’s subcutaneous fat or visceral fat?

When it comes to measuring the fat in our bodies, we want to be as precise as we can.

1. Tape Measure

Place the tape measure level with your navel – not at the narrowest part of your torso. Do not suck in your stomach or pull the tape tight so that the area compresses.

While tape measures are a great way to gauge if you are carrying excess fat in your body, it is not a precise measurement for body composition.

2. Skinfold Calipers

Skinfold calipers are designed to measure the thickness of the fat in millimeters. However, these results could differ based on how much pressure you apply when you are holding your skin, leaving room for human error in this technique.

3. Inbody Test

During the body assessment at Ensoul Body Medical Clinic, the Inbody test is used to deliver a detailed analysis to both the patient and the doctor.

As a result, the patient not only understands where body fat is concentrated but also receives recommendations on the right treatment options and a treatment plan according to the results.

Non-invasive Fat Removal Treatments

A proper diagnosis, as well as an appropriate treatment plan, is necessary for visceral fat, but subcutaneous fat can be effectively treated with procedures such as CoolSculpting and SculpSure.

There are two non-invasive fat removal treatments available in Singapore: CoolSculpting and SculpSure. There is no need for anesthesia, no downtime, and fat is naturally eliminated from the body.

Coolsculpting in Singapore

In this non-invasive procedure for fat reduction, sub-zero temperatures are used to kill fat cells. The Cryolipolysis technique can kill fat cells without harming the surrounding skin and tissues. It takes around 45 minutes for the entire procedure to be completed, and damaged fat cells are removed through the body’s lymphatic system.

SculpSure in Singapore

By creating heat energy using lasers, this procedure uses heat to target fat cells in the treatment area. Dr Thean from Ensoul Medical Clinic said that as part of laser lipolysis, the induced heat from the lasers penetrates deep beneath the skin, causing the fat cells to be broken down. As a result, the broken-down fat cells are also eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system.

In conclusion, fat reduction is not always about finding the fastest way to get into skinny jeans. To have a comprehensive understanding of what needs to be addressed, it is crucial to perform a detailed body assessment.

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