Solo travel: How to have fun travelling solo

Travelling alone can be daunting at the beginning, but there are plenty of benefits to doing it. It’ll help you step outside your comfort zone, meet new people and you’ll be in full control of …

woman walking on street surrounded by buildings

Travelling alone can be daunting at the beginning, but there are plenty of benefits to doing it. It’ll help you step outside your comfort zone, meet new people and you’ll be in full control of what you get up to.

You won’t be the only Brit travelling solo this year either with over 45% of Brits planning on travelling solo at some point in 2023. If the idea of travelling alone feels scary but you still want to do it, then we want to help you feel more comfortable doing it. This will ensure you have a fun time and make memories that last a lifetime.

Read our top tips on how to travel on your own and ensure you have a fun time wherever your journey takes you.

Make friends with others

Meeting new people is a great way to have fun and you can make new friends just about anywhere from catching a train into central London to hanging out at a beach bar in Bali. The trick to this is to be open when people speak to you and if you get a good vibe from them, then they might just be your new best friend.

Book your travel in advance

The last thing you’ll want is to be stressed about where you’re heading next, so we recommend booking train or plane tickets in advance. This will mean you’ve got one less thing to worry about, so you can focus on having fun. Plus, booking 12 weeks in advance will get you the cheapest fares when you travel as an added benefit.

Stay somewhere with free Wi-Fi

Although you’ll want to live in the now while you’re travelling, having access to Wi-Fi is a must. This will let you speak with friends and family while you’re away, which may help with any homesickness you have.

What’s more, free Wi-Fi means that you can watch your favourite shows on days when you don’t fancy doing anything. This lets you chill out and recharge your batteries ready for more fun-filled activities.

Secure your valuables

Your phone, passport and wallet will be sacred during your trip and losing them will get in the way of having fun. Try to secure them by leaving them in a safe when you don’t need them or putting them in a bumbag while you’re travelling around. Having them close to your body will reduce the risk of them being stolen or going missing.


While most places accept cards, not everywhere will. And, it is smart to carry some level of cash on you. Check the currencies in advance and make sure that you have a couple of notes and some smaller coins, too. This can be handy for tipping too! Aside from having cash and regular cards – many people now use mobile payments. If you lose your bag or it gets stolen with everything inside – that’s a big problem! Have a spare card and even a spare phone somewhere, attached to an account that people can send money to if you need it. It can be smart to have it topped up a little in advance – but keep it hidden and separate from the rest of your items.

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