The Difference Between Invisalign And Ceramic Braces

Invisalign and ceramic braces are two kinds of orthodontic treatment options used to straighten teeth, improve dental alignment, and improve one’s smile. Many people are unhappy with their smile, so these treatments provide a confidence …

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Invisalign and ceramic braces are two kinds of orthodontic treatment options used to straighten teeth, improve dental alignment, and improve one’s smile. Many people are unhappy with their smile, so these treatments provide a confidence boosting solution. For those looking into these orthodontic treatments, you may be wondering, what’s the difference? As ceramic braces and Invisalign both aim to straighten teeth without the need of the off-putting appearance of traditional braces. However, these two treatments have several differences in terms of appearance, comfort, effectiveness and maintenance.

Portobello Dental clinic have helped create this guide explaining the differences between these two kinds of dental braces.

A difference in appearance

With Invisalign braces, the removable aligners are clear in appearance, making them virtually invisible when worn. Due to their transparent nature, they do not draw much attention to the wearer’s teeth, which is a great option for those who are worried about the appearance of braces.

Ceramic braces however, use tooth-coloured or clear brackets and wires, which makes them less noticeable than traditional braces, but they are still visible when looked at.

Level of comfort

When it comes to Invisalign aligners, they are generally more comfortable than other kinds of braces as they aren’t made up of any sharp components that can sometimes irritate cheeks and gums. Whereas, ceramic braces are usually more comfortable and less bulky than traditional metal braces, they can still cause some discomfort during routine adjustments.


One of the main benefits to Invisalign braces is that they are removable. This makes oral hygiene routine much more manageable as you can easily remove them for things like brushing, flossing, and eating. This reduces the risk of food getting stuck and makes cleaning and taking care of your teeth and gums that much easier.

Ceramic braces, on the other hand, require much more work to keep your teeth and mouth clean. You’ll need to be extremely thorough with your brushing and flossing in order to prevent staining and maintain good oral hygiene.

Dietary restrictions

With Invisalign, you get the added benefit of having no dietary restrictions as you’re able to remove the aligners when eating. This means you get to enjoy all your favourite foods as normal without worrying about breaking your braces and damaging the treatment.

Whereas with ceramic braces, there are still some limitations on what you can and can’t eat as it could potentially damage or stain the brackets and wires. With that being said, there are fewer restrictions with ceramic braces compared to traditional metal braces.


Invisalign is highly effective for mild to moderate orthodontic issues, such as gaps, overcrowding, and even some bite problems. However, for more severe dental problems, Invisalign is not suitable.

Whereas ceramic braces are effective in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues, including severe problems that Invisalign cannot treat. This is because ceramic braces apply more force to the teeth, which makes them suitable for treating more complex orthodontic issues.

The choice between Invisalign and ceramic braces ultimately comes down to the kind of orthodontic treatment that your teeth needs. If you have a more severe case, you may be more suitable for ceramic braces, however, mild cases may prefer Invisalign. It all depends on your specific dental needs. Consulting a dental professional is the best course of action.

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