14 Tips To Upgrade Your Home Security

Residential burglaries are rising, with over half of criminals accessing homes via doors. Averagely, a burglary event strikes every 30 seconds, resulting in property losses for many. Considering the risks of break-ins, upgrading your home …


Residential burglaries are rising, with over half of criminals accessing homes via doors. Averagely, a burglary event strikes every 30 seconds, resulting in property losses for many. Considering the risks of break-ins, upgrading your home security systems is a sound decision. Projects that enhance your home’s curb appeal may be popular, but security upgrades are crucial to keep your family and belongings safe. Here are some helpful tips for revamping your home’s security.

1. Trim your landscaping

You risk giving bad people a place to hide if you don’t trim your landscaping regularly. An overgrown yard may make your home a legitimate target for the bad guys. Trimming surrounding bushes, trees, and branches will reduce your burglary risks.

2. Invest in smart locks

34% of burglars access a home by using the front door. Installing a smart lock is a simple yet effective idea to upgrade your home security. This deadbolt-operated lock addition uses keypads and codes instead of physical keys. You can program it to auto-lock your home after a few seconds so you won’t forget to do so. Remotely controlling a smart lock with your smartphone is possible, so feel free to consider this.

3. Security-proof the windows

Besides the front and back doors, windows on the ground floor are common home access points. Off-street windows are usually appealing to burglars since they are less visible to neighbors and outsiders. So it helps to security-proof these areas at night and when going out. While at it, consider installing glass break-in alarms as an extra security layer to ward off burglars from your windows.

4. Get a thermal imaging camera

Thermal imaging cameras are a great way to transform surveillance in your home. These are practical for residential and commercial applications. A superior-quality thermal security camera will allow you to capture sharp images of objects in different conditions, including dark, rainy, and clear days. Ultramodern models can empower homeowners to detect heat signatures, which means you can recognize threats immediately. Setting up thermal and infrared imaging cameras will help bring hidden things into light. That said, there is no doubt that innovative security technologies like these can significantly reduce the risks of false alarms from perimeter defense applications.

5. Motion sensor lights

Another item your home needs is a set of good motion lights. These things can operate with cameras to upgrade your home security. Once a motion sensor light activates, you will know who is trying to breach your property. A well-illuminated house gives the impression that someone is at home, but most importantly, it will expose suspicious activities to you and your neighbor, so feel free to consider this.

6. Buy dogs

Another simple way to upgrade your security is to get some dogs. These pets can scare intruders by barking at them. It doesn’t matter if you have a small puppy; few burglars will want to mess with a home with a barking dog. Attack-training family pets like dogs are not recommended, but most will alert you with noise if they detect an unfamiliar face at the door.

7. Secure your patio doors

Sliding patio doors can be attractive to burglars since they are designed with aesthetics in mind and not security. You can protect your patio doors with multipoint lock systems that stretch across the entire length of the door’s height.

8. Ditch the pet flap

Burglars can also break into your home if you have a pet flat; they can use this gateway as a gateway to access keys inside the door. Larger pet flaps for dogs can allow burglars to send their young accomplices into your property. Consider replacing the door with animal flaps if you have just moved into a new home. Investing in a smart system to allow access to your pet may be a good idea if you want to use a pet flap.

9. Build a fence

Building a fence is a great home security hack. A strong fence can make it harder for burglars to cross the barrier into your house. Guarding your home’s perimeter will increase your family’s safety, so feel free to consider this.

10. Buy a video doorbell

Video doorbells are also called doorbell cameras; they allow you to visualize and answer your door from your smartphone. Install this system; you will always know when someone comes to your front porch. Doorbell cameras are also good at deterring thieves from stealing packages.

11. Secure your garage door

Update your garage door to improve security and your home’s value. This investment can guarantee a high return on investment. Homeowners who upgrade their garage doors can recoup up to 93% of the cost. While at it, consider automating your garage doors so you can open and close them right from your phone.

12. Replace or update safety alarm systems

One simple weekend task to improve your security is to check on safety alarm systems such as smoke detectors. Fire administration officials recommend homeowners replace their smoke detectors every ten years. In addition to that, you should ensure your home has functional carbon monoxide alarms. Smoke detectors can come in handy when vandals try to set your home ablaze, so keep this in mind.

13. Use solid doors

All your front doors should be firm. Don’t use hollow-core wooden doors for the exterior. These are ideal for bathrooms and bedrooms. Instead, invest in solid wood doors if you find steel alternatives expensive. Hollow core doors may be vulnerable to intruders as they can easily break in by smashing with a rock. Also, if your frames are old or weak, they can invite intruders, so make sure your back, side, front, and basement door frames are in good shape.

14. Partner with your neighbors

Partnering with your neighbors is one effective strategy to boost your home’s safety and security. They can help monitor your property, provided you work with them. For instance, they can call you or appropriate authorities if they suspect strange activities on your property. Partnering with your neighbors to watch over each other’s properties can help prevent package theft when you are away from home. Therefore, join your local neighborhood watch to enjoy this benefit.

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