3 good money habits to take into 2023

You may have set yourself financial goals for the next year. To be able to achieve these, or at least make the most of the money available to you, you might want to consider changing …


You may have set yourself financial goals for the next year. To be able to achieve these, or at least make the most of the money available to you, you might want to consider changing some of your existing financial habits. For some people, this could even involve learning to create some positive money habits in the first place. Doing so may take some time, especially if you are already set in your ways. However, the end result can be that you have more money at your disposal, as well as less guilt surrounding how it is used.

Start saving some of your money

Having a savings account can allow you to fund some of the things you might like to do, save up for a large purchase, or even allow you to have cash available for an emergency. While getting into the habit of saving is ideally something you should start when you first open a bank account, it may never be too late to learn. Using the information found here, you might be able to open up an individual savings account, more commonly referred to as an ISA. This type of savings account can enable you to save up your money, with no minimum payment required. The interest accrued on it is also exempt from tax, and may not need to be declared if you send off your own tax forms each year.

Stop ordering out

While it can be nice to order a takeaway, or eat at a restaurant, every once in a while, doing so on too much of a regular basis could be significantly impacting your finances. It is estimated that each person may spend approximately £1200 per year by having a weekly takeaway. Therefore, a couple might be spending approximately £200 per week on fast food and luxuries. Cutting this back to even once every month could see you having a lot more money left in your bank account, as well as potentially living a healthier lifestyle overall.

Be assured of your purchases

Many people like to window shop as they walk around town. While there may not be an issue with looking at the different choices on display, there may be a problem if you cannot resist the urge to spend money. Around 34.9% of people impulsively spend on a monthly basis. Although some of these may be small purchases, others could be far more significant. Realistically, regardless of the cost, impulsive purchasing can be a rather bad habit, and one that can be difficult to break. Giving yourself more time to consider buying things, rather than doing it then and there, can help you to figure out if you really want or need an item, or if you were simply caught up in the moment.

Finding ways to better manage your money can mean you need to change your view on how it’s used. By putting more effort into saving, and trying to curb unnecessary spending, you could find yourself in a better financial position.

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