4 Best Indoor Gardening Systems: What is Right for You?

Are you hoping to add fresh herbs, veggies, or fruits to your meals without those last-minute grocery store runs? An indoor gardening system can be a straightforward and fairly painless option. The latest indoor gardening …


Are you hoping to add fresh herbs, veggies, or fruits to your meals without those last-minute grocery store runs? An indoor gardening system can be a straightforward and fairly painless option. The latest indoor gardening systems come with some built-in farming nitty-gritties, such as auto-timers, self-watering containers, and LED lights.

Nothing is exciting as seeing your seeds sprouting in your vertical garden indoor system and then watching them convert into edible veggies, herbs, or fruits. So, which type of indoor gardening system is right for you? Let’s learn more!

Wick Indoor Gardening System

A wick system is the perfect option if you want a simple indoor garden. It’s the simplest hydroponic system type you can use to raise plants in your abode. It can be a perfect match for beginners, but also, seasoned experts who want to have a straightforward indoor garden can use it to grow plants.

A wick indoor gardening system is well-known for not using complex equipment such as pumps and aerators. Also, it doesn’t require electricity, especially when artificial light isn’t involved. With a wick indoor gardening system, crops are raised on an absorbent substance such as vermiculite or perlite.

Nylon wicks are carefully and perfectly installed around the crops before they can access the nutrient solution. A wick indoor gardening system’s simple nature means crops only obtain a small amount of nutrients, making it ideal for smaller veggies and herbs.

Nutrient Film Technology (NFT) System

A nutrient film technology system supplies plants’ roots with a thin film of nutrients. This system has a large reservoir that holds water and nutrient solution. The reservoir features an air stone and pump to help the nutrient solution remain oxygenated. Plants grown in this system don’t submerge their roots into the water and nutrient solution.

They’re anchored in net pots or any other suitable channel. A pump is connected to a timer, and its main purpose is to push water to the plants’ roots, which aren’t submerged completely. The solution that isn’t used drops back into the reservoir at the channel’s end to be reused in the hydroponic system.

This system is a perfect match if you aren’t on a budget. Plants with smaller roots perform well in this hydroponic garden. And that means it isn’t suitable for larger plants. But it provides you with the opportunity to raise a large amount of plants simultaneously. This system scales well, making it ideal for both home and commercial growers.

Drip Hydroponic System

Another simple hydroponic garden drip system is easy to use and can be altered quickly for different plant types. As a result, it’s an ideal system for any home grower who plans to make changes regularly. The water and nutrient solution used with this system is usually pumped into a unique tube that allows it to reach plant roots.

Each tube contains a drip emitter at the end that helps control the amount of solution a plant uses. You’ve got the option to choose the water and nutrient solution’s flow to meet the requirements of every single plant.

Your drip hydroponic system can be as large or small as you want. Also, they can be non-circulating or circulating systems. Since you can adjust your hydroponic system’s flow rate and size, you can use it to grow almost any plant.

Flood and Drain (Ebb and Flow)

The flood and drain system is popular among home growers. Crops are usually anchored in a grow bed that includes a grow medium such as perlite or rockwool. Once plants are planted, a water and nutrient-rich solution floods the grow bed up to certain inches below the grow medium top layer while being careful to avoid overflow.

A pump connected to a timer floods the grow bed after a certain interval. The solution is drained back into the reservoir once the plants absorb enough water and nutrients. This system has been found to grow almost every type of plant that can grow indoors, from vegetables and fruits to herbs.

How Can Gardyn Help With Hydroponic Gardening?

Gardyn is home to automated vertical garden indoor systems that help home growers produce tastier, healthier, fresh harvests with less effort. With Gardyn’s vertical garden indoor system, there is no soil, dirt, or mess.

The system provides home growers with the opportunity to grow any kind of plant. And what’s more? Gardyn’s gardening system comes with a stunning, contemporary-looking tower that you can install anywhere, from your living room to the kitchen. While it’s easy to use, it requires minimal effort, little maintenance, and no prior experience required.

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