4 Surprising Tips for Boosting Immunity

No matter the time of year, feeling healthy and fit is super important for operating at the best of your capabilities. But if you want to reduce your susceptibility to various colds and viruses that …


No matter the time of year, feeling healthy and fit is super important for operating at the best of your capabilities. But if you want to reduce your susceptibility to various colds and viruses that are so prevalent at this time of the year, you need to do something to boost your immunity. Below are four surprising tips that will help you enhance your immunity and stave off the common cold this winter.

Get the right amount of sleep

If you want your immunity to function to the best of its ability, you need to get enough sleep. Adults should get between six and nine hours of sleep every night to function well, so you need to develop a routine that allows you to achieve this target. Several studies support this notion and find that a good night’s sleep is crucial for both innate and adaptive immunity, which helps you fight the common cold and other cases of flu.

Change your diet

Improving your diet and increasing your intake of the right vitamins and minerals from a well-balanced diet can be the difference between health and sickness. Try and include at least seven portions of fruit and vegetables in your daily meal plan and mix up your sources of protein. In addition to eating well, make sure you stay hydrated by drinking enough water. If you’re struggling to increase your water intake, start by drinking 6-8 cups a day and increase from there.

Use supplements

If you lead a busy and hectic lifestyle, supplementing your diet is a smart move. Sons’ Immune Health Supplement boasts eleven powerful ingredients that combine to enhance your immunity when taken regularly. The likes of Wellmune, zinc and vitamin C are crucial for your health and wellbeing and will help you thrive this winter. Sons’ supplement is super easy to take, as you mix one stick of Immune Health into 300ml of cold water and you’re all set.

Wash your hands regularly

While many of us have been more mindful of the importance of handwashing in recent times, it’s important to reemphasise the point. Use warm water and soap to wash your hands thoroughly, and wash your hands under the tap for at least twenty seconds. What’s more, maintaining good personal hygiene during flu season will help you avoid illness, so wipe down all surfaces in your home and keep things clean and tidy where possible.

So, as you seek to improve your general health and wellbeing this winter, consider supplementing your diet with Sons’ Immune Health, which will help to protect you from the cold, flu, and other sicknesses that are so prevalent during the colder months.

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