5 Things You Need When Going Back to School

After a long summer break, schools will finally resume. Even though it’s recurring every year, the back-to-school season is one of the most stressful periods for students and parents. We’ve been there, so we know …


After a long summer break, schools will finally resume. Even though it’s recurring every year, the back-to-school season is one of the most stressful periods for students and parents. We’ve been there, so we know how overwhelming it is. For this reason, we’re creating a list of essential things every student — from preschooler to collegian — needs for a successful school year.

Writing Tools

From taking notes to doing homework, writing tools are fundamental supplies for every student. Whether your child is in Kindergarten or college, it’s important they have the right pens, pencils and keyboards for doing their school work.

If your preschooler is learning how to hold a pencil, consider getting them Y-shaped pencils, as they help promote proper grip. If your middle schooler is an avid note-taker, a triangle-shaped pencil might help combat hand fatigue. And for your student heading off to college, an ergonomic keyboard will help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist strain.


Every student needs an easy way to carry their school supplies. Additionally, a good backpack will help school supplies last longer and encourage neatness and organization. On the other hand, a poorly designed bag can cause bad posture and back and neck pain. When looking for a backpack for your student, opt for one that has two padded shoulder straps and a waist belt — these features will help evenly distribute a heavy load. If your child’s school allows, you could also consider a backpack with wheels.

Clothes and Shoes

Clothes and shoes are also essential for a successful school year, so boost their confidence with new back-to-school gear. Quick reminder: before making any purchases, be sure to check with the school’s dress code so you don’t buy anything the school might reject.

Organization Tools

School activities are just as overwhelming to your kid as the back-to-school season is to you. Your student needs to attend classes, do assignments, work on group projects, take part in extracurricular activities and interact with other students.

So how are they to keep track of all these activities? Calendars, planners, binders, highlighters, sticky notes and dividers make it easier to keep everything organized. A planner, for example, helps them plan their day and week, while a calendar makes it easier to keep track of upcoming activities.

Research and Study Materials

Success comes with hard work, and working hard in school requires studying and researching. Reference books, dictionaries and a strong connection to the internet boost your child’s ability to complete assignments. Whenever you’re planning for back-to-school supplies, don’t forget to add these items.

Starting the school year off right begins with proper preparation. Get your student ready by loading up on all the supplies they need. From writing tools and study materials to backpacks and apparel, every kid deserves to feel confident on their first day back on campus. Start your shopping now so you’re not stressed out trying to find everything on your back-to-school list.

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