5 Tips to Spice Up Your Date Night

It’s time for date night and you feel excited. In time, however, you may find out that such a chance at romance isn’t as exciting as you made it out to be in your head. …


It’s time for date night and you feel excited. In time, however, you may find out that such a chance at romance isn’t as exciting as you made it out to be in your head.

A date night can easily become mundane, boring or even awkward. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together one year or a decade. The little spark can be easy to lose and you’ll find it difficult to figure out what’s happened.

Luckily, date nights are easy to turn into spectacular events for both parties involved. You’ll simply need to put a little bit of effort and creativity into the experience. If both of you are willing to try, chances are that the results wouldn’t disappoint.

Here are some of the best ways to spice up date night and have the time of your life.

Bring an Unfamiliar Element to It

You may think that dating your spouse or long-term partner should be easier than going on a first date. This isn’t necessarily the case.

The problem is that once you enter a long-term relationship, the spontaneity and novelty both go out the window. You know each other well. You don’t even have to talk in order to figure out what’s going on with your significant other.

Knowing each other so well can easily kill the flirtatious vibe and the excitement that date nights bring to the table.

Hence, to enjoy an amazing experience, you have to bring an element of unfamiliarity to it.

There are several ways to accomplish the goal. Try a date night activity you’ve never engaged in before. Going to a restaurant or the cinema isn’t your only choice. You can take a cooking or an art lesson together. The activity will give you something new to try out together. As a result, you’ll probably feel much more spontaneous and excited about the hours ahead of you.

Stay Home and Get Naughty

“Going” on a date night doesn’t have to entail going out.

In fact, you can have a very steamy date night at home. If you have kids, get a babysitter or employ the help of grandma and grandpa for the night. This way, you’ll have a chance to be alone and indulge in some steamy fun.

Turn your bathroom into a spa heaven and share the hot tub. Alternatively, have a shower together and explore each other’s bodies.

Which brings us to the main event – head to the bedroom and make the most of the opportunity. You can experiment with a fantasy, a bit of roleplaying or some sex toys. You can test out classic vibrators, toys for couples, the softest dildos or something a bit more fetish-linked. It’s really up to you to make your date as sexy as possible.

Make Out in Public

If you’ve been in a relationship for some time already, chances are that public displays of affection haven’t occurred in a long, long time.

PDA, however, is one of the easiest ways to spice things up on a date.

A heavy make out session in the movie theater will make you feel like teenagers all over again. How about sex in public? You may think that it’s inappropriate but the adrenaline rush that the experience would bring to the table cannot be compared to anything else.

Getting naughty in public doesn’t have to be as bold and daring as this. For example, you can put on some really sexy lingerie and send your partner a picture of your juicy behind before the date. This will build so much anticipation that they’ll find it difficult to think about anything else.

Naughty texts during the day, a bit of flirting and the right kind of eye contact will also do the trick.

Reinvent Your First Date

You don’t really have to invent something new to spice up your love life.

If you’re looking for ways to fall back in love with your partner, try recreating some of the experiences that made you fall in love in the first place.

Recreating your first date, for example, can be a thrilling experience. There will be some obvious differences – you are now more mature, you know each other well. The mere fact that you are bringing such an important experience back to reality, however, will get you feeling giddy and excited.

Romance doesn’t have to involve serious expenses or grand gestures. In fact, the spiciness of an experience is often hidden in the little details. Try to remember what made your first date so special. Focusing on those little things will result in a new encounter with your partner that you’ll probably cherish a lifetime.

Put Some Effort into Your Appearance

As shallow as this one may sound, it can really ensure the success of your date night.

Getting dressed and putting some effort into hair and makeup will pay off. There’s a simple reason why – it shows that you care.

The familiarity will make you less eager to try impressing your partner. Needless to say, that’s a natural occurrence for all long-term couples. Going on date night in your jeans and a t-shirt, however, isn’t going to give you something new and exciting to look forward to.

Getting dressed up isn’t that difficult or time consuming. You can easily get a new outfit online. Hair and makeup don’t have to take more than 15 minutes and you’ll still be transforming your appearance.

So, agree on getting properly dressed and decked out for the big night. But don’t do it together! Have an element of surprise – seeing each other at the date venue for the first time will make the encounter so much more delightful and spontaneous.

A hot and sexy date night doesn’t have to be difficult. There’s no need to engage in a ton of planning, expensive preparations and big surprises. Some simple details will make or break the date. You know your partner well. Use that knowledge to your advantage. Focus on the stuff they enjoy and desire. If you do that, chances are that the payoff will be quite significant and worth the effort.

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