Budapest Free Walking Tour: Dive into the History of the City

The Hungarian capital, Budapest, is an amazingly beautiful city. It was formed by the merger of three smaller cities. Tourist Budapest For tourists, there are a lot of interesting places. If you come here for …


The Hungarian capital, Budapest, is an amazingly beautiful city. It was formed by the merger of three smaller cities.

Tourist Budapest

For tourists, there are a lot of interesting places. If you come here for the first time, take plenty of time to walk around the city, otherwise, you won’t have time to visit all the noteworthy places.

But before you choose your Budapest free walking tour, we’ve put together a list of interesting facts about the city.

The Main Facts about Budapest

So how do you begin to get to know a new city? Of course, with learning the history and key information about it.

Here are 15 facts you might be interested to know:

  1. In the first century BC, there was a large settlement of Celts Ak-Ink on the site of Budapest.
  2. Budapest emerged at the end of the 19th century as a result of the unification of three cities: Obuda, Buda, and Pest, located on different banks of the Danube.
  3. In 1896, the first subway in continental Europe began to carry passengers in Budapest.
  4. Budapest Airport 2011 was named after the outstanding composer Franz Liszt.
  5. The streetcar routes of Budapest are the busiest on the planet. During the “rush hour” cars arrive at stops at intervals of 60-90 seconds.
  6. The streetcars of Budapest are also the longest in the world. There are 40 low-floor trains running through the city, each of which has a length of almost 54 meters.
  7. Funicular “Siklo” with a track length of 100 meters started to operate in 1870 and was originally powered by a steam engine.
  8. Szechenyi Baths in Budapest is the largest bathing complex in Europe. The water in the three outer and fifteen inner pools comes from mineral springs. The baths are not only a popular resting place but also a large hydropathic hospital, receiving patients from all over the world.
  9. By the Danube there are dozens of cast-iron pairs of shoes – children’s sandals, women’s shoes, and men’s shoes. Many tourists think they are funny, but it is a monument to the victims of the Holocaust.
  10. All buildings in Budapest are not higher than 96 meters. The ratio of old and modern Budapest makes the city a complete architectural delight.
  11. Budapest Zoo is the oldest zoo in the world. It was opened in 1865.
  12. In Hungary, parents of a child must name their child with a name from a pre-agreed list. If parents want to give their child a different name – they have to apply to the Research Center and wait for the approval.
  13. The Gellert outdoor swimming pool in Budapest creates artificial waves every 10 minutes to entertain bathers.
  14. The largest European synagogue is located in Budapest, which can accommodate up to 3000 people at a time.
  15. For the construction of the Parliament building in Budapest, which took 21 years to build, 40 kg of gold and 40 tons of bricks were used. By the time it was finished, the architect of the building had gone blind. It is the majestic parliament that most often appears on postcards and photographs with views of Budapest.

Have you felt the atmosphere of the city?

Just walk along the streets of Fortuna or Tarnok, and look in the Fortress quarter to feel as if you were on the set of a historical movie. will be your perfect opportunity to learn more about European capitals and see ancient history and culture for yourself.

Get ready for coffee and apple strudel at one of the city’s cafes.

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