Data Mistakes Your Business Should Never Make

Running a business in the digital age is no mean feat. You need data so you can plan for the future of your business, work out what the customers want, and increase efficiency, but holding …


Running a business in the digital age is no mean feat. You need data so you can plan for the future of your business, work out what the customers want, and increase efficiency, but holding all that data, processing it, and storing it, can be a minefield of potential pitfalls just waiting to trip you up. Don’t let that happen, by avoiding these common data mistakes.

1. Transferring Files Like It’s 1999

Let’s start with the classic blunder that many business owners do not see as blunder at all: transferring files as securely as passing notes in high school. Emailing sensitive files without encryption software that allows you to securely transfer large files, is like sending a postcard with your bank details on it. It’s not very smart and it is highly likely to backfire on you in the not-very-distant-at-all future.

2. The “It Won’t Happen to Us” Backup Plan

Not backing up data regularly is the business equivalent of “It won’t happen to me.” Spoiler alert: it can and it will. Think of data backups like buying insurance – you don’t want it until you really, really need it. And by then, it’s usually too late. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, right?

3. Passwords Like ‘123456’: A Hacker’s Dream

Using weak passwords? Just what exactly are you thinking? It’s almost 2024 and you should know so much better by now! If your password is still ‘password123’, congratulations, you’re a hacker’s dream come true. Strong, unique passwords aren’t just a suggestion; they’re a necessity. It’s like locking your front door – you wouldn’t use a piece of string, so why use a flimsy password?

4. Ignoring Software Updates: The Digital ‘Check Engine’ Light

Ignoring software updates is like ignoring your car’s check engine light. It might seem fine for a while, but sooner or later, you’ll find yourself stranded on the highway of cyber insecurity. Keep your software up to date, and treat those updates like the protective bubble wrap they are.

5. Data Hoarding: Because You’re Not a Digital Squirrel

Hoarding data like a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter. Just because you can keep every piece of data, doesn’t mean you should. Excessive data not only clutters your system but also increases the risk of a breach. Be selective, like a bouncer at a trendy nightclub – only the best data gets to stay.

6. DIY Data Security: Because You’re Not a Secret Agent

Trying to handle all your data security in-house when you don’t have the expertise is like performing surgery on yourself because you’ve seen a few medical dramas. Sometimes, it’s best to call in the experts. Don’t be a hero; be smart.

7. The ‘It’s Just Data’ Mindset

Treating data like it’s just a bunch of numbers and letters is a huge mistake because, in today’s world, data is gold. It’s the lifeblood of your business. Treat it with the respect it deserves, like a temperamental cat that could turn on you at any moment.

If you can successfully navigate these common data pitfalls, then there will be no embarrassing mistakes or business-ending data breaches and your business will run far more smoothly as a result.

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