How To Best Create A Mindful Living Space While Being At Home 24/7

To many people, the idea of working from home used to sound like a dream. What could be better than sitting around and working in your pyjamas, right? But in 2020 a lot of us …

Mindful Living Space

To many people, the idea of working from home used to sound like a dream. What could be better than sitting around and working in your pyjamas, right? But in 2020 a lot of us realised maybe it wasn’t quite the amazing lifestyle we imagined. Working from home can be tough when you have to juggle a workload with childcare, housework, and other responsibilities.

However, there are also a few useful things to make working from home easier, such as sticking to a schedule and properly defining your at-home workspace. Working from your bed or sofa won’t be beneficial in the long run! When working from home for a long time, it’s important to also look after your mental health and creating a mindful home environment can be a good way of doing just that.

Rethink your home office colour scheme

Whether you have an actual home office, or a different work set up, the room colour scheme can play an important part. For example, calming blue and warm neutrals can create a calming home environment and work space compared to bright reds and eye-catching yellows that can be a bit too vibrant and distracting. It could be useful to consider decorating your home office or living space with colours that best represent how you want to feel. Taking on a paint project outside of work can also be a good way to keep you busy and get you moving during your free time when you are not working at your desk.

Take a much needed digital detox

The internet has been invaluable for many people over the past year especially, as it allows us to maintain outside connections while having to stay at home. But spending all your free time browsing can have a negative impact on your mental well-being. Likewise, taking a break from your computer screen just to watch TV isn’t giving your eyes or brain much downtime from digesting digital information. To help break up your work day and reduce your stress levels, it’s important to schedule breaks into your work day, away from your computer, especially when you are working from home.

It is best for your mental health to consider spending a couple of nights per week away from screens and the news to read a book or have a family game night instead. You may find the change greatly benefits your health. You can also easily incorporate looking after your physical health too on a digital detox day.  Why not try some yoga or exercises at home with a yoga mat and some at-home gym equipment? When possible, getting out of the house for some fresh air and to stretch your legs can be great for your health and fitness too.


For many people, this is a vital step in boosting productivity. In fact, it’s often the first step taken before settling down to a more pressing task that requires full concentration. You may have heard it said that a cluttered desk represents a cluttered mind and there’s an element of truth to this. The same can be true of any room in your home. Clearing away clutter prevents distractions, gives you peace of mind, and allows you to focus on the things that really matter.

Spending some time each week to declutter and reorganise things can help clear your head and reduce stress levels. No one wants to finish work after a long day and be faced with a messy home. Therefore, tidying up both little and often can help create a calming and organised home living space.

Have your very own spa day – at home!

Feeling frustrated at not being able to go out and treat yourself? Don’t feel guilty about taking a day for self-care and pampering at home. Tile specialists Mosaic Village have some great ideas on their website on decorating your bathroom to help you create the perfect relaxing spa bathroom for your home. Everyone could do with some ‘me time’ occasionally and having a bathroom that gives off soothing spa vibes is a large step towards self-care for at least a few moments every day.

From face masks and doing your nails, to having a bubble bath and listening to your favourite podcast, there are many ways that you can relax and unwind with an at-home spa day even though you are at home most of the time. Remember, while being at home 24/7 can feel like a struggle, there are more than a few ways to make it a bit more manageable. Prioritising a mindful living space can help reduce stress levels to allow you to properly relax and unwind.

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