How to Celebrate Your Pandemic Grad Safely This Year

We have all been experiencing difficult times and life shifts since the pandemic stuck. We now have got lockdowns and social distancing, online studies, and working from home to deal with. It may seem unusual …


We have all been experiencing difficult times and life shifts since the pandemic stuck. We now have got lockdowns and social distancing, online studies, and working from home to deal with. It may seem unusual that we cannot do the things we love because we can’t risk our health or that of our loved ones.

Unfortunately, for our hard working scholars the news of graduation cancellations was difficult to take in. No longer do we get to come together in the school hall to listen to speeches, get graduation certificates, and see the grad caps thrown in the air. It is an unforgettable experience for everyone who completed their educational curriculum. But we definitely don’t have to give up on celebrations. There are multiple ways you can still pull off a good event even in the midst of our current situation.

Different Types of Celebrations

A newer thing to come out of a pandemic have been virtual graduation ceremonies. You still get to have all the typical event happenings, including the speeches and presentation of the class however, the overall approach and celebrations have to be adjusted to fit with our current world state. Now we have to think carefully about the type of celebration we want to have but luckily there are options.

While planning these celebrations, you’ll have to factor out who is attending, how many people will be present, what you will need for each idea, and how you’ll plan the whole process. But, don’t you think for a second that we’ll leave you out to find that out for yourself. Even though you may have to put a bit more thought into it, celebrating graduations this year will still be worth honoring your grad.

Types of Ceremonies

The various options that you have for celebrating include

  1. Drive-By – a drive-by party is a type of celebration that requires dedicated friends and family members to spare their time, efforts, and energy to make it a success. It involves multiple cars driving by your home, giving the grad their congratulatory messages and presents.
  2. Virtual – a virtual celebration can potentially be of less work than other options. You can simply send an invite out via email inviting everyone to hop on a video call on a certain day and time. Once friends and family hop on, they can take the time to congratulate the grad for their success.
  3. Socially Distanced – a social distanced party gets your guests more involved, unlike a drive-by party. You can organize a couple of activities and games which you can play together at a distance while celebrating the grad’s day.

How to Plan for the Best Party

Proper planning of an event results in an excellent party. The best tip is to be prepared ahead of time so that you too can enjoy the day of.  With that consideration, you also have to ensure that you celebrate safely. So one suggestion on party planning may be:

  1. Decide on the type of celebration
  2. Set a location, date and time
  3. Make a list of everything you will need (food, supplies, decorations like balloons)
  4. Have a budget
  5. Create a list of activities and games
  6. Send the invites to all the people that you want

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, so you need to do some follow-up tasks to ensure that you continue on the right track. Some of the things you can do are:

  • Check in on your orders to ensure your decorations and party supplies are delivered in time
  • Remind the guests when the party is, what they should carry/wear/buy, and keep up to date your RSVP list
  • Plan out the event setting beforehand so you know where everything needs to go

A graduation party is a lifetime celebration of the efforts that were put into the grad’s studies and the hustle that they’ve gone through in school. With a few extra steps, you can ensure that your grad party is spot on all while being safe.

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