Kip Vehorn – What Happened To The Virginia Tech Student?

Each year, there are more than 140,000 sexual assaults in the US. That is according to statistics and the number goes up. Maybe one of the reasons why there are so many assaults is that in …

Real Name:Kip Vehorn
Net Worth:N/A
Occupation:Virginia Tech Student, Accused of Sexual Assault And Battery

Each year, there are more than 140,000 sexual assaults in the US. That is according to statistics and the number goes up. Maybe one of the reasons why there are so many assaults is that in many cases, they go unpunished. Such is the case with Kip Vehorn, a Virginia Tech student that made the news.

Following the sexual assault on a fellow student, a petition appeared, asking for Kip to be removed from the University.

There should always be a zero-tolerance policy for behaviors such as Kips. Sexual assault is a crime, and by allowing it, it is a spit in the face to not only the victim but every woman. And as a society, if we allow Kip to go unpunished, we will not protect future victims. We will only encourage future behaviors like his.

Why is Kip In The News?

As we said before, Kip made the news because of a sexual assault on a fellow student. The even more serious issue is that a fellow student was his former girlfriend.

Kip and Campbell Heinberg dated for a while. But for some reason, things escalated in February 2022. She was the one to break the news on her social media profile.

Posting to Instagram, Campbell wrote, “As many of you know, I was recently in a relationship with Kip Vehorn, an active VT SAE member, starting November 2020. This photo of us smiling and looking happy was nothing close to the reality of our relationship. The second photo was. He was extremely violent towards me and got into fights with people almost everywhere we went”.

Heinberg revealed he also cheated on her multiple times and even built a shrine of her after they broke up. During their relationship, he physically assaulted her.

Speaking about it, Campbell said, “I was beat to the ground and punched. This happened three times in a row. There are witnesses. After this incident, Kip would not let me leave his sight the week following, threatening me if I told anybody or did anything, essentially forcing me to stay at his house against my will”.

She says there are many witnesses to the incidents, and that Kip even texted people from her phone to address the rumors, lying about what happened. Heinberg is certain he ruined her friendships and relationships with everyone but him.

In the end, she says, “It’s taken me months to unpack this and come to terms, but I’m strong enough now to stand up for myself and give all of you a warning: Kip Vehorn is extremely dangerous. I’m ready to steal my peace back. We are not the only people this has happened to and unfortunately, we will probably not be the last. Hold your friends (and brothers) accountable for their actions!”

Following the incident, Campbell received multiple supporters and even her Instagram profile page grew.


‼️ TW assault/abuse ‼️ can’t fit everything into 3min but thank you campbell for sharing your story #virginiatech #vt #greeklife #frat #fratbro

♬ original sound – menace to society

Who Is Kip?

Kip is an understudy at Virginia Tech who physically attacked another understudy, Campbell Heinberg. Kip made the headlines on social media because of the incident.

Even a petition was started to get him removed from the University. Fans are commenting there should be a zero-tolerance strategy for such assaults.

Kip also has a profile on social media. You can find him on Twitter, a platform he joined in July 2014 and has more than 4k tweets. His record is private, and that is probably after the incident.

As per his age, siblings, parents, and other details regarding his personal life, remains unknown.

We do know he is an individual from the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. Yet, the absence of affirmation of the seriousness of the circumstance is incredible.

He hasn’t yet been captured in the rape case. There is no case against him.

Petition To Get Him Removed From Virginia State

While there is no official rape case, or sexual assault case against Vehorn, there is a petition on to get him removed.

Fellow students have started it, staying it is time for survivors of such cases to be heard within the community and Virginia Tech campus. The petition states, “We need to do the right thing and protect the people who call Virginia Tech home. The lack of acknowledgment of the security of this situation is absurd and the right actions need to be taken”.

According to the petition, no man, woman, or other deserves to ever go through what fellow student Campbell experienced.

One of the comments, stated, “There should be a zero-tolerance policy for this behavior in the first place. Sexual Assault is a crime, and by allowing Kip to continue his studies as a part of our community is a spit in the face to not only the victim but every woman on campus. If we allow men like Kip to continue their dangerous behavior without dire consequences it only says that we don’t care about our students enough to protect them from harm or death. That is why our records for sexual assault at school are high”.

As of May 2023, more than 15,000 people have signed the petition. The goal is to get at least 25,000, making it one of the top signed petitions on And the hope is they can increase student safety by doing it.

Is He On Social Media?

As we mentioned before, Kip Vehorn has a profile on Twitter. His profile is private there, but he is also active on Facebook.

A simple Google search or Facebook search will get you to his profile. The young man has yet to close his Facebook profile, another proof that his crime went unpunished.

Trending On TikTok

The public and community have become more and more aware of Kip’s actions. The young man is even trending on TikTok.

There, there are short videos related to his actions with an accumulated amount of 7 million views.

Is He Arrested?

Kim Vehorn is not yet arrested in the sexual assault case. While there are people that want to do the right thing and protect people at Virginia Tech from future similar conduct, Kip remains free. He walks free on campus and even has a Facebook profile where he remains active.

What we need to remember is that sexual assault is a crime. People at Virginia want to get him removed from the campus. Allowing him to continue his studies at Virginia is the spit in the face of the victim, but also everyone else on the campus.

He is in his 20s, and some might say that his future should not be hampered because of one incident. But as we read on Campbell’s Instagram post, there were multiple assaults.

Details about his family and parents are yet to be revealed to the media. His parents haven’t come forward to talk about the controversy.

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