Symptoms of Menopause to be on the Lookout For

Menopause. It’s a word that some women dread. It usually happens to most women between the ages of 45 and 65, but it can begin sooner. From an extreme lack of energy to tenderness in …


Menopause. It’s a word that some women dread. It usually happens to most women between the ages of 45 and 65, but it can begin sooner.

From an extreme lack of energy to tenderness in your breasts, there are a lot of symptoms that can mean you’re entering that stage of your life. However, it has been found that every woman reacts differently to the change and that there are different symptoms associated with it as well. If you’re unsure whether you’re going through the change or not, we’ll give you some of the signs to look out for below.

Vaginal Dryness, Odors and a Vaginal Suppository

Vaginal dryness and odor are commonly associated with premenopause and menopause. These can be treated by using a vaginal suppository to remedy the issue. If it persists or worsens, it’s time to contact your doctor.

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of menopause. Every eight in 10 women have hot flashes and night sweats when they are going through perimenopause. This is the stage, usually when you’re in your 40s, where you start feeling the changes, and your hormones get out of whack.

This stage can last up to 10 years. It can also cause trouble with your sleep patterns, so you might want to see your doctor if it gets too bad.

Unpredictable, Heavier Menstrual Cycles

If you notice your cycle becoming unpredictable and heavier, it could be a sign that you’re about to go through “the change” (as our mothers called it). However, once perimenopause is over, usually in your early 50s, you will be done with your periods forever.

Mood Changes

Many women going through menopause experience mood swings as well. Often these mood swings are attributed to PMS. It is possible for you to experience mood disorders as well, such as anxiety or depression. If you become extremely depressed or anxious, it’s best to get in touch with your doctor right away for diagnosis and treatment options.

Sleep Issues

Even if you don’t have hot flashes or night sweats, your changing hormones can play havoc on your regular sleep patterns. Not being able to sleep can also contribute to mood changes, lack of energy, and even headaches. They have also been blamed in part for memory problems that some women exhibit and suffer from during the change.

Migraine Pattern Changes

Hormones and the changing patterns of menopause can lead to migraine attacks in many women, especially if you have a history of migraines already. It’s also possible if you’ve suffered from migraines in the past that going through menopause will put a halt to the headaches as well.

Increased Risk of Heart Disease

With the onset of perimenopause and menopause symptoms comes an increased risk of developing heart disease. That’s why eating right, exercising daily, and getting regular checkups are so important. Even if you don’t notice the symptoms of menopause, your risk of developing heart disease is still there.

When to Call Your Doctor

While going through menopause is a natural occurrence for women, if you feel that any of the symptoms above are getting out of hand, then it’s time to contact your doctor for help. Your doctor will be able to give you lifestyle change tips and medications that will help with the change, so don’t suffer alone.

Menopause happens to every woman as they age. Some show more symptoms than others, and some don’t show symptoms at all. Make sure to treat yourself and your body right, and menopause shouldn’t give you much of a problem.

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