Ten Ways to Make Your Used Panties Sell Faster

Getting your used panties selling fast is something that everybody who sells them struggles with from time to time. You might have the greatest, most beautifully packaged, best quality used panties on the market – …


Getting your used panties selling fast is something that everybody who sells them struggles with from time to time. You might have the greatest, most beautifully packaged, best quality used panties on the market – but if no-one ever sees them, how are you going to sell them? However, there’s no need to get disheartened. Even if your inventory isn’t moving as quickly as you’d like it, there are plenty of things you can do to optimize your used pantie selling process. After all, it’s not just about how good they look – it’s also about the processes you use to bring the end customer closer to your product in a way that works for both of you. Here are ten ways that will help you sell your used panties faster:

Be careful about the type of panties you sell

Depending on the type of items you are selling, you might want to be careful about which panties you choose to sell. If you want to sell lacy, frilly, or super sexy panties (like some women do), then that’s absolutely fine – as long as they are in good condition and you make sure they are properly described. However, if you want to sell a wider range of items, you might have to be a bit careful. If you’re selling crumply cotton panties that come up to your knees, or granny panties, or anything else that’s doesn’t match people’s expectations of what used panties should be like, you might have trouble moving your inventory. A common mistake among new sellers is to try and sell all kinds of panties indiscriminately.

Try paid advertising to boost your sales

If you’ve been selling for a while and you’re still struggling with sales, you might want to try boosting your advertising efforts. If you don’t have a budget for advertising, you can use sites like Craigslist or eBay for free. If you want to use more targeted advertising platforms, like Facebook, you’ll need to upgrade your account (and you’ll still pay less than you would on a normal ecommerce site). If your used underwear business is still in the growing stages, you may want to try boosting your Facebook posts for a month or two before you commit to running a paid advertising campaign. If your used underwear business is more established, you might want to try a few paid advertising platforms to see which one will help you achieve the best results.

Come up with more creative ways to showcase your inventory

Beyond just the photos you use, you can also think of creative ways to showcase your used panties. For example, you might want to create a themed photo album that shows a selection of your best items. You might also want to consider creating videos of yourself wearing your favorite items and then posting those on your social media accounts. For example, if you have a pair of panties that you love wearing, you might want to take a few “swimsuit glam” videos of yourself wearing them and then posting those on your social media accounts for your followers to enjoy. Not only is this a fun way to show off your favorite items, but it’s also a great way to humanize your brand and show potential customers that you’re real people just like them.

Use Instagram’s native selling tools

If you’re on Instagram as a used pantie seller, you should definitely be taking advantage of the native selling tools that the platform provides. The first thing you should do is take advantage of the “ shop now ” button, which will let your followers easily add an item to their shopping cart without ever having to leave the app. Beyond that, you might want to consider using the “swipe up” feature, which allows customers to buy an item without ever leaving the feed. With these two tools, you can easily boost your sales without having to lift a finger – and without having to use an outside ecommerce platform that might not be optimized for selling used panties.

Make sure you’re using your best photos

Beyond just using creative ways to showcase your used panties, one of the most important parts of selling your items is making sure that you take high-quality photos of them. You might be tempted to just throw them on a white background, take a photo and then put them on a website or on social media – but if you want to sell them faster and for a higher price, you’ll want to take things a step further. For example, you might want to take photos of your used panties on a bed, or on a couch, or in a beautiful location – and make sure that they look as natural as possible. You might also want to try taking photos of your items in different ways – for example, you might want to try taking photos of your used panties from a high angle, or from a low angle, or even from the side.

Only show new inventory at the beginning of your sale cycle

If you’re selling used panties in bulk, you might want to only show new items at the beginning of each sale cycle. This will ensure that every item in your inventory sells quickly – and that your used panties in bulk items get purchased as quickly as possible. In addition to this, you might want to make sure that you set a minimum order quantity (MOQ) threshold when you’re starting a new sale. This will help you make sure that you sell the most amount of items in the shortest amount of time. Members of the used pantie industry often have to have a long buy cycle – which means that people often buy panties in bulk at certain times of the year. You might want to make sure that your used panties sale quickly each time a sale cycle comes around.

Rotate your inventory regularly

As used pantie sellers, we know that inventory can be a bit like a revolving door. People will buy your panties and then they’ll be replaced by new ones. You may want to consider rotating your inventory on a regular basis. This will help you make sure that your used panties sell quickly. It will also help you keep your inventory fresh and exciting for your customers. Beyond rotating specific items, you may also want to consider rotating the types of items that you sell. For example, if you sell both regular used panties and used pantyhose, you might want to consider alternating between the two.


As used pantie sellers, we know that we need to do everything that we can to make sure that our items sell quickly and efficiently. This includes making sure that we use the best photos, only show new items at the beginning of each sale cycle, and rotating our inventory on a regular basis. At the end of the day, used panties are a great product type – and they don’t have to be difficult to sell. You just need to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to optimize the sale process and make things work as smoothly as possible.

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