Top 3 Innovative Digital Marketing Trends that Businesses Can Not Ignore in 2022 & Beyond

Are you all hyped up to welcome the New Year with great expectations? If you are a business owner, the chances are high that you might be struggling to stand out in the markets and …


Are you all hyped up to welcome the New Year with great expectations? If you are a business owner, the chances are high that you might be struggling to stand out in the markets and reach the top of SERPs. The truth is that today’s online landscape has changed massively, which is why business owners have to adapt to the changes and make the necessary adjustments in their business model and marketing strategies to stand out from their competitors, reach their target audience, boost sales, and generate revenue.

Today, technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence) is prevailing everywhere, and innovative concepts, such as VSEO (voice search engine optimization), conversational marketing, influencer marketing, personalization, and data-driven marketing that was considered once impossible to achieve have now emerged as innovative digital marketing trends not only for today but also for the future.

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Here is our list of top three digital marketing trends that no business should ignore in 2022 and beyond:


Chatbots are another innovative digital marketing trend integrated with AI (Artificial Intelligence). And as you might have already noticed, many businesses are benefiting from the 24/7 customer support made possible with chatbots’ human-like interaction with potential customers in real-time. That said, businesses can also benefit fromĀ chat support services.

With the integration of chatbots, businesses can tend to customers’ queries 24/7 by responding to them in real-time. This aspect is perfectly in tune with today’s customer behavior. Today’s customer cannot wait and wants the responses to the queries right away without waiting in a queue.

It has been analyzed that more than 80% of consumers prefer interacting with chatbots and regard it as a positive customer service experience. Since chatbots can accurately recall a potential customer’s entire buying history, it leads to greater customer satisfaction, and businesses can expand their clientele, which is why businesses cannot ignore this trend in 2022 and beyond.

Voice Search

Another innovative digital marketing trend that no one should ignore in 2022 and beyond is the incorporation of voice search. The primary reason that prompted online businesses to include voice search in their digital marketing strategies is that people have been increasingly turning to voice search on their smartphones and other tech gadgets.

It has been analyzed that more than 20% of all Google searches are based on voice-search, and this percentage is increasing each day. Nearly 60% of potential buyers use voice search to find local product and services information. Nearly 50% of grown-ups use voice search every day to search for products and services. Nearly 1 billion voice-based searches occur every month.

Alexa and Siri are a few examples that make voice searches more attractive to potential consumers, which is why businesses cannot and should not ignore this innovative digital marketing trend in 2021 and beyond.

Informative Content

Believe us or not, but the content is still the king when it comes to SEO and digital marketing. You might not help yourself but wonder what this implies. The answer is simple: people are looking for information when it comes to looking to the solutions to their potential problems. And, understandably, businesses are pretty good at selling solutions; else, their business wouldn’t exist in the first place.

That said, after you have determined your target audience, you will need to make them want to buy your products and services. You can do so in different ways, such as posting blogs, infographics in your social media posts, and publishing guest posts.

When it comes to quality content, make sure that it is interactive, which is also one of the fastest-growing digital marketing trends. Interactive content is particularly useful in your social media posts since it differs from conventional text-based content.

Your primary goal should be to keep your target audience engaged, and there are numerous ways to do so, such as through polls and quizzes on Snapchat and Instagram. Many business websites also use embedded calculators or 360-degree videos to allow clients to make a better buying experience.

Among the top benefits of publishing interactive content is that it makes your potential clients remember you and share their experiences with family friends, potentially expanding your clientele and target audience.

The bottom line is that people prefer interactive content because it makes them feel special as they get a chance to connect with their favorite brand and hence be more involved and in control of the entire purchase process.

Final Thoughts

Time doesn’t stop for anyone, and technology is constantly evolving, which is why business owners and their digital marketing team can no longer rely on their conventional marketing methods to reach their target audience and boost their sales and revenue. That said, the above-given innovative digital marketing trends are mandatory for businesses that want to stay afloat during these challenging times and survive and thrive in today’s era of Digital Darwinism.

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