What You Need to Know About Medicare Long-Term Care

People covered by Medicare assume their healthcare needs are all covered. If you’re a senior citizen or caring for one, there are things you need to learn about your Medicare coverage. Medicare long-term care has …


People covered by Medicare assume their healthcare needs are all covered. If you’re a senior citizen or caring for one, there are things you need to learn about your Medicare coverage.

Medicare long-term care has specific restrictions. Not knowing them may put you in a negative situation concerning your health.

Long-term care offers assistance to people who can no longer handle their healthcare needs alone. The stress of managing home life and healthcare gets to be a bit much for seniors. Long-term healthcare takes the pressure off by lending some hands.

There’s skilled nursing care, hot meals, and modern accommodations.

Medicare plans in California cover a lot of health issues, but not everything. Here’s what you need to know about Medicare long-term care.

What Is Medicare Long-Term Care?

These are two separate terms. One is the coverage, and the other is the coverage needed.

Medicare is a health insurance program offered through the federal government. It provides for individuals who are 65 years or older and younger people with disabilities. Medicare also covers people with kidney failure—ERSD.

Medicare comes in four parts—A, B, C, and D, D providing prescription coverage.

Long-term care covers a variety of needs over a short or long period. This type of care happens at home under the care of a family member. It can also get provided at a skilled nursing facility or community.

These nursing homes use some advanced software like care planning software to manage multiple things.

What Does Medicare Cover?

Medicare provides coverage for a myriad of needs, much of which is on a limited basis. Here’s a basic list of what it does cover:

1. Skilled nursing care for seniors needing further aid after hospitalization. Most hospitals discharge after 3-days, depending on the severity of the issue. Any further care gets assigned at a nursing care facility where Medicare provides funds for less than a month. Any days after require the patient to pay a copay.

2. Home Healthcare is homebound care assigned by a doctor. Medicare pays for nurses or therapists to care for a patient at home on a short-term basis. They spend less than 30 hours a week providing care.

3. Hospice care under medicare gets covered as long as a doctor diagnoses your condition as terminally ill.

As you can see, most of the senior coverage has an expiration date. Take a look at the fine print and remain mindful of this when you use these benefits.

What Medicare Doesn’t Cover

This may come as a surprise, but Medicare doesn’t cover long-term care. If you or a senior you love needs indefinite nursing care, don’t rely on Medicare.

Medicare doesn’t pay for nursing care on an unrestricted timeline. If you can no longer take care of yourself, shop around for insurance that provides indefinite coverage. Medicare also declines payment for adult daycare and people needing assisted living.

Make Sure You’re Covered

While Medicare long-term care does provide some coverage, it’s not unlimited. Use this guide to set up a backup plan for your inpatient and custodial care needs.

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