Work-From-Road: The 6 Best Careers That Allow You to Travel

If you’ve ever been struck with a case of wanderlust, you know how powerful the urge to hit the road and see the world can be. But unfortunately for most of us, we can’t just …


If you’ve ever been struck with a case of wanderlust, you know how powerful the urge to hit the road and see the world can be. But unfortunately for most of us, we can’t just spend all day exploring. We’ve got to pay the bills somehow! Not too long ago, only a lucky few could do their jobs while traveling. But the rapid expansion of remote work from the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors has changed the game. Now, more careers than ever can be done while on the road. Read on as we explore six of the best.

1. Travel Nursing

One of the best but often ignored careers that can be done from the road is travel nursing. It combines the skilled work of nursing and medical care with short- and medium-term flexibility that helps both employers and nurses.

Hospitals and other medical center’s staff can add or shrink as demand requires, while nurses can take their in-demand skills to nearly whichever part of the country they’d like to see next. In addition, travel nursing is typically high-paying, allowing nurses to fully enjoy their destinations when off the clock and take advantage of high-quality temporary housing. Even better, various services exist to connect travelers with travel nurse jobs, making finding employment a breeze.

2. Writer/Blogger/Content Creator

From the earliest traveling storytellers to modern SEO writers, content creators have enjoyed the freedom of the road since time immemorial. However, the proliferation of online businesses and blogs over the past two decades has dramatically expanded the opportunities available to traveling workers. Some write about their travels, selling stories to publications, or building blog revenue. Others take their writing skills and apply them to any number of fields, including technical writing, news writing, and marketing and e-commerce.

Many can find a full-time gig that simply allows them to do their work wherever they have an internet connection. Others strike out on their own and write freelance, providing maximum flexibility for their travels. Instead of being stuck “at work,” freelancers can set their own hours and take as many or few jobs as necessary to support themselves and their travels. On the flip side, freelancers also typically don’t enjoy the benefits and perks of full-time jobs like health insurance, retirement accounts, and more – not to mention the constant need to find clients and deal with their own tax payments.

3. Hospitality/Tourism

In many parts of the country, tourism and hospitality are highly seasonal. For example, beach towns in the northeast may swell with visitors in the summer but become veritable ghost towns once the leaves have fallen. Travelers can take advantage of this with their flexibility, working in areas when demand is high and moving on when the season is over. Positions can range from general work at hotels, restaurants, retail, and attractions to more specialized positions like nature guides, river and mountain expedition leaders, and more. Working on cruise ships is another popular choice for those who’d like to travel as a career, especially since it provides positions for a wide variety of skill sets.

4. Online Teacher/Tutor

Another trend accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, online teaching and tutoring has never been more popular. This is excellent news for those who find education fulfilling but also felt trapped by typical in-person school jobs. Travelers can find full-time, traditional teacher positions that are simply done remotely (typically for private or specialized schools) or build their own schedule of independent classes and tutoring sessions. Whatever your background, chances are some student somewhere needs help with it. Even if you can’t come up with a specialty, you may be able to secure a position teaching English, where being a native speaker goes a long way toward helping those learning.

5. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants help busy clients take care of basic but often time-consuming things that free them up for more important or meaningful experiences, whether it’s extra time for work or more dinners with the family. Virtual assistants (VAs, for short) carry out tasks like scheduling meetings and appointments (both professional and personal), sending emails on their behalf, doing basic research to answer client questions, and a variety of other tasks. Think of it like a regular personal assistant, except usually serving one or more clients on a part-time basis. It’s an excellent choice for diligent, organized people who may not have skills that transfer to the road.

If you plan to be a virtual assistant, you might also want to take an online course like Microsoft 365 training to expand your skills

6. Web/Graphic Design

Both web and graphic design require nothing more than a computer and your brain, making them easily translatable to traveling. Meetings with clients can be conducted via phone or videoconferencing, and many designers are already used to working remotely or life as a freelancer. Changing the location doesn’t do anything but add to the fun! As a bonus, designers who travel are exposed to a wide selection of new potential clients. See a terrible website for a great attraction? What about an awful-looking menu at a delicious restaurant? Offer your services, and you may create a new, nationwide client base before you know it.

It’s Never Been Easier To Work and Travel

Earning a living is critical for most travelers. These six careers are perfect ways to do that while still enjoying your life on the go. So whether you have specialized skills like nursing and coding or just a hard-working attitude, keep these positions in mind, and you’ll be hitting the road before you know it.

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